The Faith Wave

Top Brain Doctor:

This Science-Backed

“7-Second Ritual” Resurrects

Your Connection To God..

The Faith Wave

“1.6 Billion Christians pray everyday. But if that’s true, why’s it feel like your prayers aren’t heard? Over 14,138 Americans are enjoying a more blessed, abundant life, thanks to this newly discovered
7-Second Faith Ritual.”

-Dr. Daniel Barone,
Top NYC Neurologist and Scientist

  • Top Brain Doctor makes a new discovery that activates an
    ancient “Faith Molecule” that restores your connection with God, allowing you to receive those gifts and blessings that are yours..

  • All it takes is a safe, proven,
    7-second morning ritual.
    Find out why 14,318 mothers, fathers, and grandparents say it starts working the very first time you try it

  • Nobel Prize Winning Discovery confirms the secret is an
    ancient “Faith Molecule” over 200 million years old that’s sitting inside your brain right now..

Scientific References and Spiritual Studies:

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave

1.6 BILLION CHRISTIANS PRAY everyday. But if that’s true, why’s it feel like your prayers aren’t heard?

The Faith Wave

The root of our problems comes down to a
God-Given Molecule.

The Faith Wave

You have this Molecule.

The Faith Wave

It’s Ancient.

But dormant.

A 7-Second At-Home Ritual..
Now Scientifically Verified..
That Activates Your “Faith Molecule”
And Your Connection To God..

All it takes is a 7-second ritual at home to activate the Molecule.

Think you know it? I’d be surprised if you did.

This Ancient Molecule restores your connection with God.

The Faith Wave

New studies prove it.

  • Problems go away.
  • Lucky things happen.
  • Households are blessed.
  • It works even if you’re not religious.
The Faith Wave

A scientist even won the Nobel Prize for his work on this Ancient Molecule..

But that was 70 years ago, and we’ve all been ignoring it since.

So we’re going to activate this Ancient Molecule now because it’s not on Google, YouTube or any books on Amazon.

The Nobel Prize Winning Discovery
You Never Heard About..

The Faith Wave

My name is Dr. Daniel Barone.

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

I’m a neurologist and scientist in
New York City.

But this “divine breakthrough” exploded when a colleague handed me a forgotten study based on the Nobel Prize..

(And stay with me. This gets good!)

Life felt more magical when we were kids.

Blessings were abundant.

Many people say that’s when they felt closest to God..

How Did We Lose That Divine Connection?
What Stole That Magic From Our Lives?

The Root Of
Our Problems!

The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave

Strangely enough, a team of neuroscientists at Chapel Hill may have found the answer..

These researchers wanted to measure how close people felt to God..

So they gathered adults from all backgrounds, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, even atheists, and what they found shocked

By activating an ancient molecule that’s been sitting dormant in each of us since birth..

People reported feeling an immediate, deeply spiritual connection to God..1

The Faith Wave

Thanks to this ancient molecule, it was like an invisible wall had been lifted, allowing them to connect to God more deeply..

This Ancient “Faith Molecule” Was
Bringing Everyone Closer To God,
Safely and Naturally..

The Faith Wave

They spoke to the participants again one week later, and it turned out..

Their divine connection had strengthened even more..

The Faith Wave

This God-given “Faith Molecule” was restoring everyone’s connection to God in an instant..

And people of faith know when we are closest with our Creator, remarkable things tend to happen..

Difficult problems are suddenly solved with a great insight..

  • Lucky things happen..
  • Inspiration flows, serendipities occur, miracles happen.
  • A scientist even won the Nobel Prize in 1955
    for his work on this “ancient molecule”..2

Brain MD:

What Robbed Us Of This Divine Connection?
And The Power To Manifest Our Deepest Desires?

Read This!

The Faith Wave

But as a doctor and scientist, I had to know what robbed us of this divine connection that should be yours too?

People might say it’s the downfall of society, and there’s truth to that but..

It dawned on me. If I could discover what’s really going on at the CELLULAR level, then maybe we could re-activate that divine connection in you too?

And I have good news: It turns out that we can.

The Faith Wave

Because this “Faith Molecule” is called
Oxytocin, or OT for short..

Maybe you’ve been told OT (oxytocin) is the “Love Hormone” but there’s something odd going on you haven’t been told..

The Faith Wave

Neuroscientists with real-world experience know that people with more OT tend to report blessings happening to them..

Remarkable events, serendipities take place, problems get solved,
moments of grace happen.

Others might call it magic or good luck but it’s something different. It’s almost like people with more OT are blessed in a special way, and they’re favored.

This Ancient Molecule Restores Your
God-Given Power To Manifest Your
Deepest Desires..

The Faith Wave

It’s because when more OT is activated, your heart opens and you feel reconnected to your faith in a divine way. Magic seems to infuse your life.

The Faith Wave

Research shows people with more OT tend to heal faster from pain..

It makes them more generous, keeps them mentally sharper with age, and they have better marriages.3, 4, 5, 6, 7

So I’m not surprised when these people say, “I feel God’s presence more deeply in every moment now.”

The Real Reason Why It Feels Like
Your Prayers Aren’t Being Heard..


The Faith Wave

I want you to understand: This is the root of our problems and bad luck,
this is why we feel disconnected.

We’re born to experience this Divine Connection, to live a blessed, abundant life.

But our modern way of life systematically suppresses this Faith Molecule in us, cutting us off from our Creator.

The Faith Wave

Turn on the news? The “cortisol spike” turns your Faith Molecule OFF..8

Eat anything with pesticides or artificial sweeteners? Those chemicals turn your Faith Molecule OFF..9, 10

The Faith Wave

Even checking your phone can deactivate the Faith Molecule..11

Why do you think Christianity’s decline in America is accelerating so rapidly?12

Our faith, our luck, our destiny has been stolen from us, at the CELLULAR level.

Although my critics laugh when I say it, this is truly the Great Loss of our lifetime.

The Forgotten “Faith Molecule” Is
The Great Loss Of Our Lifetime..

The Faith Wave

This is why you can do everything right, and still feel cut off from your Faith, as if your prayers aren’t being heard.

The Faith Wave

It’s why attracting more abundance takes so long while a few lucky people receive it so easily. It’s why problems feel so sticky. It’s why the magic of life seems to bless others but rarely you.

The deck was stacked against us, causing the God-given Faith Molecule that could transform you and your family’s life to shrink before you even had a chance.

And the longer this goes on, the more frustrated you’ll feel. This is why so many people become bitter and resentful as they age - they’re missing out on God’s gift to them.

But they can turn it all around starting as soon as today. And so can you.

Here Are The 4 Science-Backed Ways
We Know For A Fact Will Activate
Your Faith Molecule Starting Today..

The Faith Wave

1. Nasal Spray

The Faith Wave

There is a lab-made, chemical version of OT.

The problem with this is it’s not the real thing, it’s not natural.

It’s chemical and synthetic, and is patented by pharmaceutical companies.

The Faith Wave

2. Pregnancy

The Faith Wave

When women are pregnant, they produce excess OT because of how it deepens the bond with their child.13

However, this isn’t a valid option for most folks, for obvious reasons.

The Faith Wave

3. Massage.

The Faith Wave

Massage has been shown to activate more OT.14

That’s why you feel so good after a massage.

But getting a massage everyday is out of the question for most of us.

4. You can use a special soundwave.

The Faith Wave

This is the best way by far and I have the ideal soundwave for you..

But let me tell you why because I know how strange that sounds…

Skeptical Brain Doctor Makes Stunning Discovery:

How This Ancient “Faith Molecule”
Quickly Changed His Tune..

When my colleagues and I began researching a solution, I had 3 requirements: It had to be simple, easy and something that you could do

But most of all, it had to be all-natural and safe for anyone of any age..

The breakthrough came when my lead researcher suggested soundwaves.

I’ll admit, I was skeptical.

But then my wife reminded me of Samuel 16:23..

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

“...whenever the evil spirit from God came to Saul, David would take the harp and.. the evil spirit would leave him.”

Samuel 16:23

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

I realized since the dawn of man, we’ve been using sound to heal and manifest..

Priests and healers from the most advanced civilizations used sacred sound frequencies to heal and manifest miracles too..15, 16

And when it became clear they all seemed to use one frequency in particular, a group of scientists in Japan put it to the test..

They found after listening for just 5 minutes, this “Ancient Frequency” doubled Faith Molecule levels..17

Resulting In A Breakthrough Frequency
That Activated The Faith Molecule
10X Faster..

In Just
7 Minutes!

The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

They were shocked..

That was 3 times more than an hour-long massage..

And up to 10 times more than supplementation..

Best of all, it began working from the very first listen..

This was truly a sacred discovery..

This Ancient “Faith Molecule” Was
Bringing Everyone Closer To God,
Safely and Naturally..

But there’s a problem..

Finding the perfect technology to produce this "Ancient Frequency" could take weeks or even months of research and testing..

Since most of my time is spent treating patients, I decided to find the expert in soundwave technology to ensure this was done right and make this product the best it can be.

The Faith Wave

After a bit of homework, I decided to partner with Binaural Technologies, the leading soundwave company in America, who have helped over 300,000 Americans experience a personal transformation with their soundwave technology in just the last year.

The Faith Wave

And while a lot of companies cut corners on quality, they employ rigorous research and testing to ensure each soundwave is fine-tuned for best results. That’s why they have the highest satisfaction rating I’ve ever seen in the industry. And I’m proud to partner with such a mission-driven company.

We called this soundwave the Faith Wave, and turned it into a Digital Audio Track anyone could listen to right now..

So far, it’s helped 14,318 everyday Americans enjoy a more blessed, abundant life..

The Faith Wave

The Faith Wave is the first soundwave developed by
doctors and scientists that uses the Ancient Frequency to
activate the Faith Molecule and the divine connection
that can transform your life..

The Faith Wave

It’s simple, easy and you can do it at-home:

Just put on a pair of headphones and relax for 7 minutes listening to the calming soundwave..

The Faith Wave

Beneath your awareness, the Ancient Frequency will begin naturally activating your Faith Molecule..

It begins working the very first time you listen to it.

You’ll do it from the privacy of your own home.

You’re not “meditating” or doing an affirmation.

And unlike other manifestation methods that overlook the Divine, this method places God first.

You just listen to the soundwave for 7 minutes everyday as it harmonizes at the cellular level and activates your Faith Molecule..

The result is an activated Faith Wave, allowing you to receive those gifts and blessings that are yours..

Join The Men And Women Now Living A Blessed and Abundant Life Since Activating Their Faith Wave..

You’ll notice a divine closeness to God. Many say it’s so spiritually nourishing that they never want to pray without the Faith Wave again. Studies even show the Faith Molecule naturally increases generosity.18

You’ll notice great inspiration flow to you, and lucky things happen. Your desires finally begin to manifest for you and your family.

And if you’re over 50, the healing benefits are quite miraculous..

The Faith Molecule is being studied right now in Spain, Canada and the USA for how quickly it provides pain relief..19, 20

The Faith Wave

Researchers even found the Faith Molecule improves memory with age. It helps with verbal recall. Imagine no more words getting stuck on the tip of your tongue.21, 22, 23, 24

Plus the Faith Molecule is linked to accelerated healing and lower blood pressure. That means less discomfort, less stress and more enjoying life.25, 26

The Faith Wave

Best of all, the divine connection to our Creator is the key to things falling into place for you and your family. Health happens. Blessings happen. Abundance happens.

Here’s 25 More Benefits
Faith Wave Customers Report
That Transform Your Health,
Wealth And Relationships..

The Faith Wave

The Faith Wave activates the Faith Molecule 3 times more than a massage. And it does it 12 times faster.

The Faith Wave

And studies show it’s up to 10X more effective than supplementation.27

And because you feel that divine connection so closely, transformations in people’s finances, health, relationships and career are not uncommon.

It's time to reconnect with the Divine, as you were born to do, before our modern way of life deactivated it.

  • The Faith Wave

    Just imagine waking up each morning feeling God’s presence nearby, with solutions to problems handed to you, and real clarity about how to get the outcome you want. Great insights flow to you. Meaningful connections appear in your life to help you. Serendipities occur. Miracles happen.

  • The Faith Wave

    Imagine the look on a friend’s face as you handle a difficult conversation with ease, because God’s grace is now solving your difficult problems for you.

  • The Faith Wave

    You suddenly attract financial abundance that
    transforms your home. Or a family member who’d
    drifted away has their faith resurrected, and they return home.

  • The Faith Wave

    With your faith renewed, you automatically start thinking bigger about your life. And you’ll notice a sense of luck and destiny guiding you in your quest for amazing health, amazing relationships, amazing career.

Great opportunities are abundant, things start to go your way, and life gets better and better for you and your family.

That’s the life you deserve and you can have it all today when you claim your copy of the Faith Wave.

“How Much Is It To Activate
My Faith Wave Today?”

The Faith Wave

By now, you should realize that I take great pride in the work that I do as one of America’s most diligent scientists. My reputation is everything, and I would only ever attach my name to a product if I 100% believe in it.

The Faith Wave

Bottom line is a lot of time and money goes into this research. However, when you consider the fact that the Faith Wave begins working from your very first listen.. or when you compare the price to the lab-grown supplementation out there, which you have to keep paying for month after month, it will seem like a bargain.

And given the transformation that activating your Faith Wave can have on your life, we could easily offer this at a very exclusive price. Think about it.

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave
  • How much would you be willing to invest to have the difficult problems in your life solved for you?
  • The Faith Wave How much would you pay to be blessed with a promotion or a raise?
  • Or to have your relationship with your partner or kids transform?
  • What if that bad habit you’ve been trying to give up never bothered you again?
  • What would it be worth to know your connection to God was restored?
The Faith Wave

You'd feel it in every fiber of your being. You'd see divine grace guiding and supporting you each day.

I know personally how hard life can be when we feel cut off from our Faith, when it feels as if our prayers aren’t being heard. Life feels hollow when we are missing out on a God-given blessing that is our birthright.

You really can’t put a price on feeling God’s presence so closely and having the things that you want happen for you.

Many of my colleagues have suggested that this product would be an incredible value even at $500.

But the truth is I feel like I’ve been guided to make this available and affordable for as many people as possible.

So we cut out all the middlemen and made it available only through this website. That means you don't need to invest $500 to get your hands on this breakthrough soundwave.

In fact, you don't need to invest $200 or even $100. That's because we are offering the Faith Wave today for just $49. That's more than 40% off our original price. But that's not all.

Because you've made it this far into the presentation, it's obvious you're serious about being closer to God and you are interested in seeing how this one-of-a-kind solution can help you the same way it's helping thousands of others, which is why I want to let you try this new soundwave at a special price available only through this video on this page today.

The Faith Wave

More Than


$200 $100

And for a limited time only,
I’d like to offer you the Faith Wave for just $39.

That’s another $10 off.

As someone who believes deeply in the power of faith, all I ask is that once you experience the blessings of the Faith Wave, you spread the word to your family, friends, and community. Together, through faith and love, we can help bring more of God’s light into the world.

This Is The Only Place To
Get The Faith Wave..

The Faith Wave

And remember, this deal is not available on Amazon or anywhere else. The only way to get the Faith Wave for this incredible price is right from this page.

The Faith Wave

And you should know that I’m not going to limit the amount of time you can keep the Faith Wave either. It’ll be yours forever.

The price is set to increase as well but I'm fighting to keep it affordable for the people who need it most. So this $39 price is not guaranteed beyond today. The last thing I want is for you to come back later and see higher prices or worse, find out Faith Wave is no longer available for purchase.

The Faith Wave

I’ve always tried to stay behind the scenes, away from social media and the press. But since the release of this product, numerous requests have come in. With the increased demand on my schedule, I am certain I will not be offering this online forever. Time really is running out.

And you’re still with me. You're still paying attention, which means your order is set aside for you. But if you leave the page, it may be given away to someone else.

Don’t spend another day dealing with the frustration that comes from missing out on the gifts and blessings waiting for you when the solution is literally a click away.

Claim Your Discount And
Click The Button Below Right Now.

Top Brain Doctor Recommends..

Activate Your Faith Wave
(90-Day Money Back Guarantee)

The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave
  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave

    Quick Start

Regular Price: $200 $100 $49

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

Today Just For


The Faith Wave

The Faith Wave Is GUARANTEED To Work - Or You PAY NOTHING!
SEE How Your Life And Relationships Transform, Then Decide To Keep it Or Now..

Even though the Faith Wave has an inbox filled with five star reviews from customers, if you’re skeptical, I understand how the programming of society has eroded the nation’s faith.

I understand how it profits them more to push God out of our lives and weaken our faith.

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

So to prove this research-backed soundwave works and make this a 100% no-brainer for you to check out, I'm going to guarantee your order today for a full 90 days.

It's a 100% ironclad money backed guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience.

That means you don't even need to make a decision right now. Just say maybe, and you'll have a full 90 days to test it out for yourself.

Watch as you wake up each morning, feeling God’s loving presence. Watch as problems are suddenly solved, as your desires begin to manifest around you. Watch as things naturally fall into place, with less effort and more ease. Watch as finances improve, as relationships improve, as grades improve. See how others praise your spirit, and ask your secret. Then decide if you want to keep it or not.

Simple Try The Faith Wave
Risk-FREE For 90 Days

The truth is 90 days is incredibly generous as most people who listen everyday for 7 minutes are very happy with their purchase after only a couple weeks.

But as a doctor and scientist, putting my credibility on the line, it's important to me you feel complete confidence in our product and saying yes to giving this a shot. It doesn't matter how many times you’ve used it, you'll get all your money back if you don't get these results.

I can't feel good keeping your money. I work with the friendliest customer support team who are easy to get ahold of and are on standby to answer any questions you have.

The Faith Wave

I urge you to check out today for maximum savings.

All you need to do to claim this incredible discount and take advantage of this risk-free offer is to click the button below and check out to begin activating your Faith Wave.

There's simply no risk to you. The only risk you could possibly face is the one of pain and regret that you missed out on experiencing this life changing product when you had the chance. Go ahead and complete your checkout below and experience everything I've talked about 100% risk free right now. So just go ahead and click the button below.

Claim Your Discount And
Click The Button Below Right Now.

Top Brain Doctor Recommends..

Activate Your Faith Wave
(90-Day Money Back Guarantee)

The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave
  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave

    Quick Start

Regular Price: $200 $100 $49

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

Today Just For


The Faith Wave

“Is The Faith Wave Still Available?”

If the Faith Wave is still available, then the order page will appear and you can enter your information. If not, you'll have a chance to add yourself to our waiting list and we'll let you know if this product becomes available again later.

Remember, you’ll save the most money when you order with today’s discount, and not risk missing out.

The Faith Wave

The order form is fully protected
using the very latest 256 bid SSL encryption for total privacy and protection. It's the same security that major
e-commerce giants like use.

The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave

Just enter your order information and your Digital Audio Track will be emailed to you in a matter of minutes, depending on how fast you can enter your information on the next page.

And because it’s digital, there’s no shipping fees or waiting for a physical package to be mailed to your house.

And that’s not all you’ll get when you place your order today..

JUST Added! Get 3 Divine Gifts For FREE When You Order Today..

For everyone who orders at the discount price today, I’m giving you 3 free bonuses that aren’t available anywhere else.

First is The Rockefeller Blueprint:
Turning Abundance Into Everlasting Wealth FREE!

The Faith Wave



As more blessings appear, including financial ones, you'll want to secure that abundance into true wealth for your family. A man of faith, John D. Rockefeller was the richest man alive when he passed. In The Rockefeller Blueprint, I’ve boiled down his complex formula into 3 simple steps you must follow to help turn abundance into lasting wealth.

Second is the
Purity Detox. FREE!

The Faith Wave



If you feel disconnected from God, it’s not your fault. So many invisible factors from our modern way of life infiltrate our spirit. They suppress the Faith Wave in us. The Purity Detox is a simple 7-day checklist to help cleanse these “faith robbers” from your life and make more room for God’s Grace.

Your third free bonus
for checking out today is
The Grace Wave. FREE!

The Faith Wave



The Grace Wave combines the Faith Wave with the most healing prayer ritual I’ve ever discovered. Just close your eyes and repeat these 9 healing words as you listen to the Faith Wave. It only takes a few minutes, as you receive the forgiveness and blessings that God has promised.

If You Have Two Ears And 7 Minutes,
Your Life (And Blessings) Can Transform..

The Faith Wave

I’ve spent 19 years as a doctor and scientist. When I started at Saint Vincent’s Catholic in New York City, I never imagined that it would one day lead to this life-changing soundwave that you can listen to at home, starting today.

The Faith Wave

That’s why I urge you to take a stand today against the forces that are tearing into the nation’s faith, and say that you are no longer willing to accept a life that’s anything less than blessed and abundant. Click the button below to claim your copy of the Faith Wave.

The Faith Wave

There’s only one favor I ask and that is this. As you see more blessings, more good luck, more abundance appear in your life, you won’t forget about the others who could benefit. Be the light for them too.

The Faith Wave

Now it’s up to you. You can carry on as you’ve always been, or you can try the Faith Wave risk-free for 90 days. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and an absolutely divine way of life to gain.

The Faith Wave

I guarantee that you'll be satisfied. If not, you don't pay a single penny.

Top Brain Doctor Recommends..

Activate Your Faith Wave
(90-Day Money Back Guarantee)

The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave
  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave

    Quick Start

Regular Price: $200 $100 $49

The Faith Wave The Faith Wave

Today Just For


The Faith Wave

Frequently Asked Questions About
The Faith Wave

Q1 The first question is from Patricia in Naples who asks,
“How exactly do I use the Faith Wave?”

Great question. Listening to the Faith Wave is simple, easy and you can do it at-home as soon as today: Just download the Digital Audio Track to your phone or computer.

All the technology is already programmed onto the Track, and will begin activating your Faith Wave down to the cellular level, so there’s nothing you have to “do”.

Just close your eyes and listen. After 7 minutes, the audio track will finish and you’ll be done. That’s it.

You’re not “meditating” or doing an affirmation.

And remember: Unlike the ineffective manifestation methods out there that overlook the Divine, the Faith Wave places God first.

And what if you miss a day? It’s okay, and not the end of the world if you do. Just aim to listen everyday for those 7 minutes. The benefits increase every time you listen. And the result is an activated Faith Wave and all the remarkable benefits that come with it.

Q2 Mary from Dover asks,
“How fast should I expect results?”

Everybody is different. In the studies, participants watched as their Faith Molecule nearly doubled in just 5 minutes. But not everyone doubled. Some did have a little less. And many had more.

Overall, many of our customers start to feel and experience a divine connection with God that just wasn’t there before. Lucky things happen. Inspiration flows. Opportunities find their way to you. Abundance happens. It’s as if a sense of magic begins to infuse your life. Some people even say that difficult problems that had been troubling them somehow solve themselves after the first 2 to 3 days.

Remember that whether it’s on purpose or not, our modern way of life suppresses this Faith Molecule in us, moving us further away from our Creator.

Watching the news creates a “cortisol spike”, turning your Faith Molecule off..

All the chemicals that corporations put in the air, and in our food, turn the Faith Molecule off..

Brain studies show just looking at your phone is enough to turn down the Faith Molecule..

Society is diminishing our faith from every angle..

And these “faith robbers” are not slowing down, they’re taking over more and more of our lives..

Remember it was only a few years ago when we were told that Amazon and Walmart were “essential” but our Churches were “non-essential”?

The key is to activate the Faith Molecule at the CELLULAR level..

And the best way I’ve ever seen by far to do that is the Faith Wave..

As your connection to God deepens and strengthens, you’ll notice the things you want most begin to manifest around you. Or you suddenly have access to an insight that makes your career take off, along with your finances.

You find the desire to indulge a bad habit loses its power over you. You automatically start thinking bigger about your life. And you notice a sense of luck and destiny guiding you in your quest for amazing health, amazing relationships, amazing career as things finally start falling into place for you and your family.

And all you have to do is just listen for those 7 minutes a day.

After a few months, you might notice you feel like an entirely renewed person.

Remember, the best way to see and truly find out what benefits are in store for you is just to click the button below and check out. You're always protected by our industry leading 90 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Q3 The next email comes from Iris in Victoria. She asks,
“Is is safe to use long-term?”

The Faith Wave is extremely safe to use. It’s a special soundwave that works by naturally activating your Faith Molecule.

And the Faith Molecule is not a drug. It’s a naturally-occurring molecule found in every human from birth. It’s believed to be hundreds of millions of years old. But for most of us, our Faith Molecule is more dormant than it should be, which is a shame, because studies show that when activated, the Faith Molecule restores our connection to our Creator.

Science has discovered a variety of everyday activities that trigger the release of the Faith Molecule. Massage. Acupuncture. Even a long hug will produce a little Faith Molecule. But research shows none of them naturally activate the Faith Molecule the way the Ancient Frequency found in the Faith Wave does.

Q4 Next question is from Amy in Reno,
“Will it help me with my health? And weight loss?”

Our bodies hurt as we get older. That’s true for everyone right? Wrong! That’s not true for everyone, and it might not need to be true for you either.

Your body’s natural healing properties are a marvel. But, your body can’t heal effectively in a stressful environment. If your body is always in fight or flight mode from everyday stress, healing is slowed or never even happens completely. That’s how you end up with aches and joint pains that never seem to go away.

And so much of our disease and inflammation comes from our mind, which is causing the stress. Did you know a single thought can release acid in your stomach?

Activating your Faith Wave is an incredible way to reduce stress naturally and accelerate healing, so those joint pains can start to go away.

That’s why the Chapel Hill study also found the Faith Molecule dropped cortisol by nearly half in just 5 minutes too. That makes it far more powerful than meditation or supplements for stress reduction.

Another study, which I personally need to dive deeper into, even found the Ancient Frequency found in the Faith Wave extended cell life by 20%. Yes, you heard that right. These scientists even found this Frequency made cells live 20% longer.28

That’s why so many people who purchase the Faith Wave have different needs and get the result they’re looking for. Because everything starts with our divine connection to our Creator.

Q5 Next is from Steve in Charlotte,
“Will the Faith Wave help me with my finances or career?”

I don’t know what career you’re in so it wouldn’t be right for me to resolutely say yes without more info.

But I know this: People with more of the Faith Molecule experience more benefits across the board.

They tend to naturally be more generous, and we all know the more that we give, the more that we receive.

They also tend to be mentally sharper, because the Faith Molecule has been shown to improve memory with age. And more brain power usually means more success at work.

But there’s more. People with more Faith Molecule tend to have better marriages, because they naturally feel more connected to their partner. And studies show that better marriages make better money too.

Plus with finances and career, there’s always a bit of luck involved. That’s why we always hear from customers that the Faith Wave makes them feel like a higher intelligence is helping solve their most difficult problems for them. All these insights and revelations begin to flow for you. It’s almost as if your business life and career become infused with a sense of luck and destiny. I really hope you get the chance to experience it for yourself.

Q6 Olivia in Fort Lauderdale asks,
“Will it help me at the casino?”

This was an interesting question. While I don’t personally gamble, I know many people enjoy it in moderation.

Some customers have shared amazing stories of their luck changing while playing the slots, roulette, or even a lottery scratcher. However, there is of course no evidence to support that the Faith Wave caused those winnings.

Q7 The next question is from Nancy in Dallas,
“Should I do the Faith Wave with other things, like prayer?”

Sure you can! Many, many customers say that listening to the Faith Wave while in prayer has strengthened their bond with God in ways they didn’t know were possible. Others report that the feeling is so profound that they find themselves praying even more now.

I often pray myself while using the Faith Wave. It can be a really sacred experience that I hope you get to enjoy.

And remember, your third free bonus for checking out today is The Grace Wave. The Grace Wave combines the Faith Wave with the most healing prayer ritual I’ve ever discovered. Just close your eyes and repeat these 9 healing words as you listen. It only takes a few minutes, and what happens immediately after is pretty miraculous.

And keep in mind: When you get your copy of the Faith Wave by checking out today, you’ll love how simple it is. All the technology is already programmed onto the Track, and will begin activating your Faith Wave down to the cellular level, so there’s nothing you have to “do”. Just close your eyes and listen. After 7 minutes, the audio track will finish and you’ll be done. That’s it.

Q8 Donald asks,
“How fast do I get access to the Faith Wave?”

The Faith Wave is emailed to you immediately, as soon as you complete your order.

Because it’s a Digital Audio Track, you don’t have to wait for a physical package to be mailed to your home which also means you don’t have to pay any shipping.

You’re going to begin activating your Faith Wave Wave today, just as soon as you can click the button below and enter your information on the secure checkout page.

Q9 Ryan from Los Angeles asks,
“Is the Faith Wave available anywhere else for a lower price? Can I find the audio sound tracks on YouTube or Spotify?”

We only offer the Faith Wave direct through this website for a very important reason. I was approached by a large publisher to offer the Faith Wave through them. If I did that, the markup they required would make the price at least double what it is now for our customers. All that extra markup makes no sense. It's just added to subsidize their overhead and advertising costs. It also just puts extra profit in their pockets. That would be pointless since you can order the Faith Wave directly from the comfort of your home directly from this website.

I was also concerned they might “water down” the technology we developed and placed in the Faith Wave audio, which cannot be found anywhere else, including on YouTube or Spotify. In fact, we studied the tracks offered on those websites and the results were disappointing. For many of them, there was no actual technology embedded in the audio sounds at all. They just tell you that to get clicks and ad revenue.

Also please keep in mind the price is set to increase as well but I'm still fighting to keep it affordable for the people who need it most. So this $39 price is not guaranteed beyond today. The last thing I want is for you to come back later and see higher prices or worse, find out Faith Wave is no longer available for purchase.

Since the release of this product, requests for my time have increased dramatically. With the increased demand on my schedule, I am certain I will not be offering this online forever. Time really is running out. Don’t spend another day dealing with the frustration that comes from missing out on the gifts and blessings that may be waiting for you when the solution is literally a click away. Claim your discount and click the button below right now.

Q10 Okay and the last question is,
“Is there a guarantee?”

Of course! Your order is fully guaranteed.

When you place your order from this website, you’re backed by our 90-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. It’s a 100% Ironclad Money Back Guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience.

That means you don't even need to make a decision right now. Just say maybe, and you'll have a full 90 days to test it out for yourself.

As a doctor and scientist, putting my credibility on the line, it's important to me you feel complete confidence in our product and saying yes to giving this a shot. It doesn't matter how many times you’ve used it, you'll get all your money back if you don't get these results.

I can't feel good keeping your money. I work with the friendliest customer support team who are easy to get ahold of and are on standby to answer any questions you have.

All you need to do to claim this incredible discount and take advantage of this risk-free offer is to click the button below and check out to begin activating your Faith Wave.

Claim Your Discount And
Click The Button Below Right Now.

Top Brain Doctor Recommends..

Activate Your Faith Wave
(90-Day Money Back Guarantee)

The Faith Wave
The Faith Wave
  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave


  • The Faith Wave

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The Faith Wave

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